The Celebration of Love and Friendship

Well, I’ve come to find out that Brazil is a very festive country. A lot of celebrations take place throughout the year. This month of June is full of festivities such as Festa Junina and Dia dos namorados. Unlike Valentine ́s in the USA where it is celebrated on February 14th, in Brazil this will take place tomorrow, as of the time I wrote this article anyway. So this is a good opportunity to impress the person you love expressing your feelings in a different language. Unfortunately this holiday may remind you that if you don't have a special someone, you are alone. Hopefully that is not your case. At any rate here are some expressions that could be useful. If anything you are guaranteed to get a smile and might even get a kiss, or not !

In English it’s common to use the following expressions when we refer to the person we love: Special someone, better half, soulmate, soul partner, my old lady, my old man.

Funny & cute:
. I love you because you are almost exactly like me and I ́m the best.
. You are the macaroni to my cheese, will you be my Valentine ́s please?
. Don't break someone's heart, they have only one. Break their bones, they have 206 of them !
. If love is so blind, why is lingerie so popular?
. If nothing lasts forever, will you be my nothing?
. You are my favorite thing to do !

QUOTE OF THE DAY: A guy knows he is in love when he loses interest in his car for more than two days !
Feliz dia dos namorados. Happy Valentine ́s day !

-Fernando Calle

Sobre nós

A Cowein é uma escola de idiomas localizada em São Paulo que oferece aulas de inglês com professores nativos de países como Estados Unidos, Inglaterra . A nossa prioridade é desenvolver a fluencia conversacional e o oferecer cursos além do tradicional. Entre em contato e aprenda mais!